Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Who Has Time to Pray?

My guest today is Debbie. I met her a couple years back through blogging. She is a very kind and wise woman. I love to read her blog. She shares some very important thoughts today. Won't you read?

My life is busy. My to-do list seems to be getting longer.  My calendar fills up quickly.  I’m sure yours does too.  Maybe you have small children at home occupying much of your time and energy.  Do you ever feel like you have no time to yourself?  But even if your children are grown and on their own, it’s amazing how quickly activities will begin to occupy your time.  
As a Christian, we know that prayer and spending time with the Lord is important.  But who has time to pray?
Maybe you intend to wake up early in the morning to spend time with the Lord in prayer and reading His Word.  But the bed is so comfortable and it’s just so early.  So you close your eyes.  You plan to pray while resting your eyes but later realize you fell back to sleep.  There have been days when I find I’m only sending up SOS prayers when I need them or I’m praying in my car on the way to work.
I remember reading about Susannah Wesley.  She was the mother of John and Charles Wesley who became strong men of faith.  She had 19 children but nine of them died in infancy.  With ten children to raise and little money, I think you could agree she had her challenges. However, Susannah managed to commit to daily quiet time with the Lord.  Her children learned that when mother pulled her apron over her head they were to leave her alone.  She was in prayer and not to be disturbed.  So if Susannah Wesley could manage a prayer time how about you and me.  Prayer is where the rubber meets the road.
Philippians 4:6-7 says:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Over the years, I’ve discovered that my morning quiet time is a necessity for me.  When I start my day with the Lord, it helps me to focus on His will and His ways.  I grow closer to Him.  I fill my cup each morning with His Word and His love and then I’m less dependent on other people to fill me.  God’s love overflows from within me to others.  
But I need to prepare in advance for my morning quiet time.  I gather my Bible, journal, highlighter and pen.  I have a specific place in my living room where it is quiet.  I set my alarm.  The coffee is ready to go so I don’t have to think about it.  
Making this simple choice to start my day with the Lord has become a habit for me.  The more time I spend in prayer and His Word, the more time I desire.  I no longer have to set my alarm clock as I awaken early anticipating this time.
How about you?  Maybe you have only five minutes to spend in quiet time.  But it’s a start.  When your family sees the importance you place on this time, they may realize, like Susannah Wesley’s children, that mom is not to be disturbed during this time.  It’s also a good witness and example regarding the importance of  your faith.  
Blessings and love,

I want to thank Debbie so much for being a guest on my blog. Don't forget to check out her blog and say hey to her!

 Debbie Petras is a Christian; a disciple of Jesus.  She has been married to Greg for almost 29 years.  For twenty five years, she worked as a cardiovascular nurse specialist.  After a time of retirement, she went back to work in a private school working with 3-4 year old children.  Since she was unable to have children, this has been such a blessing for her.  Debbie has been blogging on Heart Choices since 2007 and loves getting to know other bloggers.  She loves to encourage and inspire others to make wise choices each day that impact body, soul and spirit.  Originally from Long Island, New York she now lives in Phoenix, Arizona. She blogs at Heart Choices.

Linking up with Darlene at Time-Warp Wife for Titus 2sdays.


  1. You are a beautiful testimony to a life lived with prayer, Debbie. Thanks for sharing this encouraging word with us. Time spent with God is never wasted!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Lisa! Debbie is so wise,I was so honored to have her guest post at my blog.


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