Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday's Fave Five

  1. Canoeing... Saturday I did something I never have before. I went on a canoe trip. The young married couples at church went to north Mississippi to canoe on the Okatoma Creek. It was quite an experience. I was scared too death,but we made it! My husband loves this kind of stuff...not me so much. It was nice to try it and see my husband having fun too.
  2. Home meeting... We were able to attend home meeting this past Sunday. We had a full house too. It was good sharing with others and hearing their thoughts on the Word. 
  3. Card games... We took our boys to Target Monday evening and found 2 card games for less than $2. We bought them and a regular priced one. We have Uno,Sorry Revenge,and Battleship. The boys have enjoyed playing them with us. I love playing any kind of games!
  4. Celebrations... I love to bake. Aaron helped me mix of a cake yesterday morning to bake for my husband's birthday. I never got to bake him one here. So we baked it and blew some balloons up to tie to the kitchen table chairs. It was so sweet that they wanted to "throw" him a party.
  5.  New recipes... I tried a new one last night. Chicken nachos. It turned out pretty good. Here is the link that has the recipe and the Corn Casserole recipe some have asked for. I hope you enjoy!

Join Susanne @ Living to Tell the Story to link up.


  1. I'm sure your hubby enjoyed having you do something he likes -- and how great that you both had fun at it! I'd say keep those family game times going. I think that's so good for a family, no matter what ages. I love baking, too! I think I'll do brownies tonight...

    Have a great week ahead!

  2. I love to play games, too. Card games with the fam is a great way to bond.

    Chicken nachos sound delicious. I love Mexican food.

    Sounds like you had a great week!

  3. I've never been in a canoe. We did go white water rafting on our trip to Colorado. I was so worried I'd flip out! I felt better when I got there and saw my feet would be secure in the side of the raft. It was a very fun experience and enjoyed doing it with my boys.

  4. I just popped in some homemade Oatmeal Cocoa cookies and sat down to read some FFF's! So yeah..I like to bake too! And yes....keep playing those board games/card games. Even my 20 and 14 yr old daughters still like to do Family Game fact over our vacation last week we played Bananagrams almost every night after we got in from the lake. I am guessing your husband was THRILLED to have you along for the canoe trip (I prefer Kayaking myself..i think canoeing is difficult). and good for you to have a positive "I'll try it" attitude. by the way, my oldest is taking a Canoe course this fall for one of her college PE requirements! Keep up the fun family times and enjoy your weekend!


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