Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thankful Thursday

What are you thankful for today? We all have so much to be thankful for I know,even in the trials, there is something. Join Laurie @ Women Taking A Stand as she hosts this meme this month.

I'm thankful for... seasons of the weather. I think my favorite is Winter. I love the chill of the cold. I love wearing warm sweaters and thick jackets along with cute boots. I love building a fire at our friends homes and making yummy smores. I love the dreary looking days with no sun. I love curling up on the couch with a book or my Kindle and dreaming of nothing to do.

I'm thankful for... coffee. Ahhh, who isn't? I love the aroma as it brews. I love the hot touch while sipping on it. I love the taste. I love the sugar and creamer and how it mixes just perfect to my liking.

I'm thankful for... water. I used to hate the taste, well, because it didn't have much of a taste. Now, I love it. Cold water just is refreshing. 

I'm thankful for... my health. I've always been fairly healthy. I dealt with some feminine issues after my 3rd and last child. It's been a year and a half of problems,but I am finally seeing some relief. 

Those are just a few of the things I am thankful for today. Hope everyone has a blessed day!!


  1. God bless your grateful heart.

  2. I enjoyed your thankful post. And appreciated your views of winter and all to be thankful for that month. So many dislike the month. I will admit it is not my favorite but one think I DO like is snuggling with my hubby :)

    Have a great day!


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