Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Word-Filled Wednesday

Join Amy Deanne@Internet Devotions for Word-Filled Wednesday.

This is Daniel's ultrasound picture that I added the verse too. Isn't it so true? God knows us before we were formed in our Mother's womb? He is such an awesome and mighty God!! I am proud to announce we are expecting out third child that God formed before it put the baby in my belly. I am about 5 weeks pregnant! We are very excited!!! God truly is so amazing and loving!!! We don't plan ours or try to have babies,but God sure does give them to us. Next July we will be welcoming the 5th member to our family. Wow! So keep us in your prayers as we journey through this pregnancy and then go into the labor and delivery stages. I sure don't feel equipped to raise 3 children under the age of 3,but God knows best. He will give me the strength and His grace is sufficient for me! 


  1. Wow! Congratulations, this is such exciting news for you all.

    I love the scripture, always have. It is so amazing!

    Have a great WFW and God bless...

    ps. hope you don't have too much morning sickness.

  2. Congratulations Heather!! So happy for you!!

  3. Amen! He will definitely give you the strength. And congratulations on your newest addition. May God richly bless your family of 5!

  4. what great news! congratulations. beautiful verse and blessing. i'm so happy for you, heather.

  5. Hi Heather! I found you through Wordless Wednesday and I've enjoyed looking around your blog. Congratulations on your new pregnancy! I also have 3 boys very close together. At the time, I had a 7 year old son, 5 year old daughter and then 3 boys, ages 2,1, and newborn. It has been a grace filled journey and I wouldn't trade it for anything! Since then, we've been blessed with another daughter and the middle boys are 5,4, and 3.

    Praise the Lord for his best gifts!

  6. How exciting! Congratulations to you and your family. It is just beyond amazing how God forms us with such detail.

  7. oh heather! I had 4 in 4 years and I sure understand about not feeling equipt! You'll be in my prayers and know that God has got you covered even if you don't feel like it!


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