Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Word Filled Wednesday

This verse gives me hope! It gives me strength! And it gives me joy! When I feel down and out,I can go to this verse. When I feel like I have lost it all,I can go to this verse. Rejoice,for we have not lost,we have won! He has overcome this world!! Join us for Word Filled Wednesday!


  1. Amen, with Him, we are winners.

  2. Praise the Lord, He has OVERCOME!!! And, we are victorious because of Him.

    This is beautiful!!!

    Hugs to you!!

  3. Love it!! It is surely a faith stirring verse that brings us hope and strength. Thanks for sharing and being a blessing!!

  4. I love that verse. You are the second person to bring this verse to my attention today.

  5. Amen! I just mentioned this verse to someone yesterday. :)

  6. Great does of encouragement. Love the picture.


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