Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What kind of child do you want?

Yesterday Jess wrote an amazing post At the Well! I was very encouraged by it and saw things differently than I have been. She wrote a post about looking at our children in the future tense and raising them with that in mind. Here are some of my thoughts on that subject.

I want my boys to be responsible and wise adults. I want them to be self disciplined as well. Right now it can be tiring trying to teach them those things,but it is well worth it. Instead of me picking up the toys every time, I get Daniel to help me. I want him to know to help clean up when he is married one day and his wife is unable too or just to help out. We also don't let Daniel indulge in candy or sweets as much as we were allowed. I think this is helping to teach him that sweets are okay,but it isn't okay to over eat on them or anything else to the point of gluttony. It is hard sometimes not to let him get everything he wants or do everything he wants too,but I know that is also teaching him self control. Life will not always give us what we want and for that matter neither will God. I want him to learn that now and I believe he will remember it throughout life. I think that if we teach him obedience now to us and essentially God it will help him throughout life. Children remember more than we think and the Word says to train them as they are children. Does that mean he will be perfect? No,but he will know what obedience is and how is is pleasing to the Lord. It is very hard disciplining now,but I pray it reaps spiritual benefits as well as physical. I am taking it one day at a time and also trying to see how my parenting can and will affect the future.

Have a blessed week! Don't forget to check out At the Well daily for awesome insights from awesome women!

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