Wednesday, May 29, 2013



So who's reading what this summer? I just finished the book Desperate by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson. It was really good. It had parts that I really loved. I am reading 2 other books. One paperback and one on the Kindle. The paperback is about Revelation and the one on my Kindle is about marriage. Both are something that is keeping my attention. I love to read,but don't have that much time. I really don't see how any stay at home Mom of small one does!

Diving deeper

I have been doing a study with the Good Morning Girls on Facebook since the first of the year. We have made it through chapter 16 of the book of Luke. It's been awesome! I joined a group online since I couldn't get enough of women in the community to have a in real life one. It's been a blessing. We will start the book of James next week and then pick back up in Luke when Fall comes. It has really challenged me and has pushed me.

Some of my heart

I was thinking the past couple of weeks about homes. Since we desire one of our own,whether it be a mobile home or a brick/wood home. At one point I was getting so upset over it. Our apartment is fairly tiny for a family of 5. We have no yard of our own with easy access. We live upstairs and do have a side yard on our end,but it's not as convenient as we would want to have. All I could think about was homes we have looked at over and over. Some nights I could not even sleep well. Crazy isn't it,how we let things take control? I finally threw my hands up in frustration. Not only could I not find one that I loved,but my husband and I could not agree on one solely. He liked some and I didn't or I liked some and he didn't. I just said no more looking for me. I needed to take a break and realize somethings.

  • I realized that I am asking for what I already have. We have a home. When I say home I mean apartment/trailer/house. I believe any of these can be a home,it's not so much the structure that makes the home. It's where you feel comfortable,loved,and cared for. We have all that in our 840 square foot apartment in the city. We never go cold or hot for long ( we have had quiet the problems with our a.c unit and did go almost a week with no air at all). We always have a soft place to sleep. We have shelter from storms. We have a home. It's not as big as we want obviously. It's getting pretty cramped in here, as far as storage. It's not where we want it to be located either. We are country folks who want to live in the country. I'll get to that one later on.
  • I realized that this home is not my true home. It's only borrowed from my Father. He owns everything,that includes every home on the face of this planet. So why should I get bent out of shape if He doesn't loan me another one? I kept saying I can't wait to get our home,our washer and dryer (we don't have one in our apartment,we do have a laundry room on site we use), our this,and our that. It's not mine,none of it is, whether I have paid it off or not. 
  • I realized that we have a yard. It's not as easy to access as I like. I want one I can just walk right out into or watch my boys while inside doing dishes or sitting on the porch. I can't do that here,but it is a nice side yard that they enjoy playing on. It's a beautiful view of greenery and has a huge Oak tree to play under. It has some dirt for them to dig in and plenty of grass to run in.
  • I realized that God may not want us in the middle of nowhere. He has used it here to minister to others and be ministered too by others. Our landlord has been such a blessing to us. Somethings that she has done for us, I am still grateful for. Our first maintenance man was someone we were able to minister too, along with our landlord. My husband wants to be in the middle of nowhere. I just want to have very few neighbors with less likely hood of any moving in. Ha! The more I have lived here the less I like people, really. People can be rude, annoying,and mean. Well, may be God wants us to have neighbors that need Him or that would bless us. It's not something I like,probably the lest of them all. I think of all the horrible things that could happen to us with neighbors,especially close ones. So this country family may have to stay in the "city".

These have not been easy to realize at all and some I still don't want to believe them all. I want to believe God will give us just what we want. He will,once we surrender to Him and delight in Him, He will change our hearts desires to His heart desires. He has been doing that.,even with my husband. We actually thought on the same  about how God may want us to have neighbors and when I brought it up. He said jokingly don't even go there,God has already dealt with me on it and I'm not really happy about it. I am glad we can be honest and open with one another. My husband is not a people person,but God has been transforming him to be His spokesperson.

So that is just somethings that are going on in my mind and heart right now.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Summer break here we come!

I've been pretty quiet lately. It seems life just picked up again. Times and seasons change so often in life,it seems even more so when you are raising children. It's turned summer here,though it's not officially summer until June. Hot and humid are not my favorite combinations. We are almost done with schooling. I am as excited as the boys are for it to be summer break. I won't get the pleasure of sleeping in,but I will have that free time that school usually takes up, only to be taken up by something else I am sure. The boys are growing so fast and learning so much. Daniel is 5 1/2 and is officially potty trained in all areas. He's been day trained since he was about 3. Now he is night trained and no longer needs a pull up. He is growing so much. He's so smart and talkative. He's like his Mama,a social bug. He loves to draw and loves anything Military related. It's amazing to watch him grow. Aaron is 3 1/2 and acts much older than that. He is a comical one. He loves to sing and dance too. He told me the other day he was going to be a worship leader. It made my heart smile. He already can recognize all his ABC's and his coloring in the lines has improved also. He loves cars,trucks,tractors,and anything that goes vroom. He is a little boy through and through. He is a tender child too,so sweet. Johnathan,aka Binky, is 23 months. He will hit the big 2 June 29th. Wow. He has grown so much in the last couple months. He is potty training and doing so well. He started about 3 months ago on his own. He is getting to the point where he knows when he needs to go. He even wakes up some mornings dry. He amazes me to be his age and be able to comprehend what he does. I know it's because of his brothers. He is saying words and even has put short sentences together like "I want that Mommy." or "I want down." He is a mixture of the oldest two. He is comical,outgoing,quiet,loud,and sweet. He loves horses,particularly the Black Stallion series. Oh my. He is just plain adorable!

We are still living in our small apartment, not sure what we will do about living. We may stay here and we may not. Sort of in a waiting period I guess. It can be frustrating,but whatever God wants we will do. Sometimes it is so hard to know what He wants. So we go with our peace. We had a chance on a home last summer and once we got into the process of it,we had no peace. So we backed off. We're trying to be content where we are because God is still blessing us here. It seems when you try to be content you are tested. That is not an easy thing at all. This week has been our first week in 3 weeks without something going wrong at the apartment. It can almost make you want to give up,but we didn't. We can't really. We are too determined to loose the fight. Our boys are fighters too and I love it. We are instilling them the values that used to and still is (but far and few between) be instilled in children. Hard work, love much, and follow Jesus. Simple, yet profound. I love to home school because I can impart in them things that will be there forever. I get too make an impact close and personal with 2 human souls. What a job! I fail so many times,but I ask for grace and strength to do the task set before me. I am blessed to have a man by my side that wants what I want for our boys and future. I couldn't ask for better that's for sure. He is the perfect match for me.

Our church family is incredible too.We love our small yet giving church. Our Pastor is an anointed man of God. He's so shy until he is preaching. When he is preaching the Spirit of God is speaking through him. He's one of a kind now days. Our boys are making friends and learning more in children's church and teaching others too. It feels good to be back in a body of believers. It's not a perfect church and if it were we would have to go or else we'd mess it up. It's an imperfect body of believers serving a perfect God.

That's our life right now. Raising children for the glory of God!