
Friday, December 28, 2012

Friday's Fave Five

I hope all of you had a blessed Christmas!!! We had such a blessed time this week!! So let me recall some of it for you.

  1. Spending Christmas Eve with my boys and my husband. We were lazy and that evening we did our birthday cake (cupcakes) for Jesus. It's so sweet seeing our boys sing to Jesus.
  2. Watching our boys open their gifts. We had to actually wake them up, but they loved opening their gifts and watching their little eyes light up was priceless.
  3. Spending Christmas Day with my family and my husband's family was so wonderful. We had good food and made more memories.
  4. Spending the day after Christmas with dear friends of ours. We had Christmas with them and enjoyed the day. We are blessed with this family that is like our own family.
  5. Celebrating the birth of Christ with our family and friends. Our boys know Christmas is not about gifts, though we may get them, it's all about Jesus and celebrating his birth.
It's been a great week for us, I pray it has for you also. Link up with Susanne@ Living to Tell the Story and join us.


  1. Apparently you had a wonderful Christmas time !

  2. Glad you had a great Christmas with friends and family. Gifts are a good part of Christmas when we consider all the gifts we've been given by God...

  3. Sounds like you did have a Merry Christmas! I can't believe you had to wake your boys up! How old are they? I suppose if they are real young they haven't gotten to that stay up all night stage!

  4. Sounds like your Christmas celebration was very meaningful and fun. I smiled when you said you had to wake the boys up.

  5. Christmas is a wonderful time to celebrate family, faith and friends and you had all three!


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