
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Closing Out the Year

It is so hard to believe 2012 is almost over and in just two days we will have entered another year. It has been a trying year for myself. I've had some feminine issues that have really effected my daily life and family life. It's been a battle. It's one of those years, where you cannot wait for it to be over and begin a fresh, new one. There has also been some wonderful things happen this year to me. One thing for sure, I am blessed even in the hard things.

I always like to write down some goals for the new year and reflect on the past year. I'm a goal/list type gal. I try to keep them realistic, yet set them up a notch. If there isn't any push to do better each year you can become stagnant and lazy. I can't wait until I can sit with my boys as they grow older and talk about things they want to do different the next year. It's something I love to do with my husband also.

I rarely get quiet moments to myself. If I get them it's usually early in the morning like now, at 6:45 a.m. before getting ready for church. So here are some thoughts for my new year. I don't want it to be just another year (Last year, I purposed to live in the moment and not keep wishing for this moment or that moment to occur). I want to grow much more in the Lord. I want to be much more patient with my children and husband. I want to show them the love of Christ, even when they are driving my bonkers. I want to teach my boys more about the Lord. My heart's desire is for them to know God. Not just know who He is, but to know what He loves and wants from them. I want them to seek to please Him even at a very young age (the oldest 2 are 4.5 and 3). I want to really take eating healthy serious. We don't eat horrible, but it could be better. I want to dig into God's Word more and write it over and over on my heart. I really want to see broken relationships in our families mended and for people to forgive one another. I want my Daddy to be healed of Lyme Disease completely and his body restored back to health. I really want a home and a yard to play in with my 3 energetic boys. I want to not just say I love Jesus, but to show it by dying to self when I want nothing more than to be selfish. I want people who have no sense of who Christ is to be wrapped in the presence of God and shown what our Savior did for them. I want those in war torn countries to be safe and know God's peace. I long for my Lord to come back and take us from this filthy, scary, and cruel world more than anything.

What are some of your thoughts for the new year? Share them with me please, I would love to know your heart for the coming year!


  1. I love your heart's desire. I do believe as we surrender it all to Him, He will give us our heart's desire. We just need to be open to listen and ...obey.

    May the Lord bless you and your family. And may 2013 be a year of tremendous growth for you in your relationship with the Lord.

    Blessings and love,

  2. I'm with you! I want my children to be so wrapped up in Jesus! I want that for my whole family! Happy New Year, friend!

  3. Happy New Year! It is nice to see you blogging again, I have been reading your posts on my Google Reader. I make goals each year as well and posted them to my blog.

    God bless you!


I'm so glad you stopped by! I love hearing from those who read my blog,so share your thoughts with me.