
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!

I am so tremendously blessed to be a Mother of 2 little boys and 1 in the womb. I never thought I would have been a Mother and never really had a desire to be. Boy, when I met these little fellas that sure changed. I would not trade it for anything. It's definitely not all fun and games,it's hard,enduring work for a life time. But I love it,I truly do. I have Daniel who is 3 years old,Aaron who is 18 months old,and Johnathan who will make his arrival at the end of June. I'm richly blessed. I know Daniel and Aaron love and adore me,as I am sure Johnathan will. Some days I do not know why they do. I can get short with them,yell at times,and not be the example I need to be,but I ask for God to help me everyday to be that example of Christ to them and a Godly Mother. I want my boys to know Christ first in the home,then elsewhere. I also have a wonderful husband who helps compliment me in my parenting. He is the best man God could have gave me for my husband. Mike is truly a blessing to me and the boys.

To all you Mother's out there, I pray you seek God in your daily walk. Without Him it is seemingly impossible to raise boys into men,Godly men whom seek to glorify God and lead their families or their lives to honor God. I pray it's a wonderful day!!

I received my gifts yesterday. My husband was expected to go on a special detail to the north part of Alabama.

                                                      Wearing my necklace my boys gave me. I have no clue how to rotate pictures or I would. Sorry about that!

My necklace up close. I love it!! 

This is what my sweet Daniel insisted on me having. I thought it was so sweet.

When they gave me the gifts Daniel was smiling so big. He said I bought you this because I love you. I just thought it was so sweet!! He kept telling me they got me the stuff because they love me. He gave me a big hug and a kiss. Blessed. Next year little Aaron will understand it all and wow I just may cry. Enjoy your day Mother's!!

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