
Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday's Fave Five

It's been sometime since I have posted for this meme. I miss it! So here we go!

  1. Waking up to a household that is not sick. We had the virus the week before and thank the Lord we woke up Tuesday healed!
  2. Spending time with my family. Tuesday we spent the evening with my sister and parents. We grilled and the kids had a great time!
  3. Quiet time with my Savior. Lately,I've been SO tired. I find that if I get up around 7 I am not so tired during the day and I get to read my Bible in the quiet.
  4. Watching the boys learn so much. Aaron will repeat anything you say at 18 months,he's so cute. Daniel is remembering things we talk about throughout the day and bringing them back up at bedtime.
  5. The beautiful weather we have had this week. It went from hot and humid to cool and sunny! I love nice weather!
Now, join in with us and link up with Susanne@Living to Tell the Story. Be blessed!

My previous post with an update and pictures.


  1. We're still waiting for a string of nice weather but when we get a good day we are happy! So glad your household is well now. Sounds like a good week. Happy Mother's Day!

  2. It feels so good when everyone is well again. I'm glad you all are! Glad you got to spend time with family and have some essential quiet time with the Lord.

  3. Isn't it strange to wake up to a healthy house after a long bout of sickness? I'm always cautious at first, not wanting to celebrate too soon, but by the time everyone has kept their lunch down, I'm ecstatic.
    It sounds like you had a nice week.

  4. i agree, it is so fun and a blessing to watch our kiddos learn (even when they are in their late 20's like mine are).

    so glad everyone is feeling fit. that sure adds to the joy of the day.

    have a wonderful mother's day.

    susan, http://fruitfulwords.wordpress

  5. Watching your children learn new things is so much fun! Happy Mother's Day to you.

    I'm glad that you're feeling better now--stay well!

  6. Love those phases of obvious learning that kids go through.

    So glad everyone is feeling better. And enjoying lovely weather.


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