
Saturday, February 12, 2011

New Book & Website Launches

I wanted to share a new website that has been launched. Many of you know Lynn and Dineen through blogging. You're aware of their site and how it is a place to help encourage those in mismatched marriages spiritually. Well, they have a new website and a new book!! I am so happy they are getting it into the hands of many women who need it!!

This is their book Winning Him Without Words. 

I know it will encourage many women. 

Their new site is Winning Him Without Words also. 


  1. I never really heard of this before - sounds super interesting!!

  2. Lynn and Dineen are truly a blessing in the Christian blogosphere. It's good of you to mention their new book, Heather!

    Blessings, e-Mom @ Chrysalis

  3. Sounds like a great book.

    I hope you are doing ok my friend!


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