
Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday's Fave Five

  1. A new look. I got some layers cut off and my hair isn't so heavy anymore,but isn't too drastic of a change.
  2. Coffee!!!! Since the kidney infection I had back in January I have not had any coffee,well this week I had a cup. Oh my! I missed it!!
  3. Having my hubby off for a couple of days. We took the boys to a small park and grabbed some milk shakes at Steak N Shake. Memories!
  4. Feeling Johnathan move more. He's getting more active,but not nearly as active as the other 2 were in the womb.
  5. A wonderful church to attend! It's hard to go with both boys,so sometimes one of us just takes Daniel if Mike has to go in late. I took him this Sunday and I love our church! The Word is always preached and God's presence is felt. People come to know Christ and walk deeper with our Lord.
Join us and Susanne@Living to Tell the Story for a look back at your week. Blessings!


  1. Oh, a wonderful church is a tremendous blessing!

    I loved that feeling of the baby moving inside of me. :) Your third and fourth items reminded me of something. When I was expecting my son, DH drove me to the appointment for my ultrasound. On the way we stopped for a fast-food dinner, and I had a chocolate milkshake. During the ultrasound, the baby was doing somersaults and backflips. :)

  2. I've been meaning to tell you I love the name Jonathan. Everytime I was pregnant, I would bring up the name Jonathan, but all my babies were girls. So I get to enjoy other people's Jonathans ...

    New haircuts just always make us feel better, don't they?

    Glad you can have coffee again!

  3. A new look is always good in the middle of winter! Yes, I love that name too -- my firstborn shares it.

    Shakes in the park sounds like so much fun. And having a great church home is an awesome thing. Hope you have a great (coffee-flavored!) week ahead.

  4. It's great that you found a church that you really like. We're still looking after 6 years and have just resigned ourselves to the fact that we're going to have to stick it out.
    I loved being pregnant, and boys are the most fun! Congratulations!

  5. awesome list! sounds like you had a great week.....and I hear ya on the hair cutting...i'm overdue for a lighter load....a shorter bob for spring is coming up! lol.....have a great valentine's day with your family

  6. It sounds like you've had a great week especially with the great church service. Isn't it a miracle to feel your son growing and moving inside you?

  7. A good haircut is always reason to celebrate!

    Glad you have such a good church family to be a part of.

    Three boys! You are blessed, indeed.

  8. Nice to have a treat as a family when hubby is off.

    Feeling your baby move is a precious thing!

  9. I'm ready for a light head feeling as well. Did you feel better when you stayed away from coffee?
    Johnathan is a sweet name. Milk shakes yum

  10. There is nothing like the feeling of life moving inside of us. I am glad you had a nice week, some time with family, a wonderful church and good cup of coffee. God Bless.


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