
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Happy TT!!! I love this meme! Lynn@Spiritually Unequal Marriage is our host this month of October. Don't forget to check out her post at her blog.

She shared 10 things about herself we did not know,so here goes my 10 things.
  1. I love to ride 4-wheelers!
  2. I have one older brother and one younger sister.
  3. We live in a pretty big city in Alabama.
  4. I am terrified of any type of insect,especially spiders!
  5. I have to sleep with a box fan,no matter how cold it is!
  6. We drink goat milk at our home.
  7. I have had 5 tickets and 2 wrecks all in one year(way back before I married my State Trooper ;) ).
  8. I love to sit under an open fire and cook smores or roast Conecuh sausage!
  9. I have worn glasses since the 4th grade,but at age 21 discovered contacts.
  10. I only have 2 living grandparents. My paternal Grandmother and paternal step-Grandmother.
I also want to say how thankful for my parents I am. We spent Monday with them and it was so much fun! I miss our land and that place. My parents have 40 wooded acres and a pond. Oh so many memories there! I wish so bad I could raise our boys there. My Daddy has recovered almost 100% from the Lyme disease and Babesia(type of Malaria). He has started back to work and we are so thankful!!! The boys had a blast playing with Mimi and Papa along with 2 cousins. My husband and I actually slipped away for a little bit to go by his old department(he used to be a Deputy) to check on everyone. It was nice! Mama cooked spaghetti (I still can't get mine to taste like hers lol) and brownies for us. We stayed until late that afternoon playing,talking,and laughing. I am very blessed indeed! My parents are amazing!! They are even more amazing Grandparents!

Join in with us and share your thankful heart!


  1. I take issue with insects too!

    Sounds like you had a great time with your folks. Spaghetti and brownies sound so good!

  2. What a grand list. I got a giggle over your traffic issues before hubby.... And can we all say YAY for a family that loves to be together. Rejoicing that your dads health is back to happy!

  3. Enjoyed your list! I always sleep with a fan also!

  4. i never tried goat milk, when i was young we're drinking Carabao milk,I enjoyed your list.


  5. Heather - I'm with you on the spiders....eeeekkk! I also love sitting aroudn the fire - roasting marshmallow or weiners.

    Have a great weekend.

  6. Great list! My father has a camp and we love to sit around the fire. Hubby plays the guitar and we sit and listen or sing along. So much fun to be with my Dad there too!!! I'm happy your Dad is better! Blessed we are!!!!

  7. Heather...I have to sleep with a box fan,no matter how cold it is!

    Me Too!

    Reading about your parents makes me just want to hug their necks. A rich blessing indeed. Hugging you and see you again this Thursday. Love, Lynn


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