
Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday's Fave Five

It's a lovely day! It is time to reflect back on our week. Join us and Susanne@Living to tell the Story for Friday's Fave Five. 

  1. I was able to sleep till 8 some mornings!! My sweet Aaron likes to be up at 7,but at least 2 days he slept till 8 ahhh... 8 is late enough for me,sometimes too late. It was nice though.
  2. Being able to pay bills early. We have been able to pay 3 trucks notes ahead since we got our Mountaineer in April. It feels really good!
  3. Spending time with my parents on this past Monday. We took the boys over and spent most of the day. It was fun to see them play with the Grandparents and cousins. 
  4. The weather!! I love Fall! It's not too hot,but not too cold. I can raise the windows during the day and just smell the fresh air! Change is nice!
  5. Spending some time with my hubby. At night when the boys are in bed we've been cuddling up and watching the Baseball playoffs. I love baseball as much as he does. So it has been nice!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day! I re-did my blog with Fall colors. My lovely friend,Hollie, did my header. Pretty isn't it? Thank you bunches!!

This time last year I was in active labor with my baby Aaron. So amazing! He will be 1 tomorrow. Here is his birth story.


  1. That's awesome you all could pay the bills early! What a blessing indeed!

  2. Oh, and happy early birthday to Aaron! I honestly cannot believe it's been a year!

  3. I agree, 7 or 8 is pretty late for me to sleep in these days -- glad you were able to sleep in!

    That's so great you were able to get ahead on the truck payments.

    We don't have grandkids yet, but I am looking forward to those kinds of visits some day.

    I love the fall weather, too.

    Happy birthday to your boy!

  4. Sleeping late, spending time with hubby and with family, and paying bills early: what happy blessings!

    Happy birthday to Aaron! Are you planning first-birthday-cake pictures?

    The new blog design looks pretty!

  5. I'm with you on number 4 - what a blessing! I love the new blog design! :)

  6. I love your new blog design as well, Heather!

    Paying bills ahead is always a great feeling.

    I love this time of year, too, and I love to open the windows and get some fresh air in the house.

    Enjoy sleeping in while you can! And enjoy your time with your hubby whenever possible.

  7. I also love fall...the colors are breathtaking!
    Happy birthday to your little guy! It goes so fast, doesn't it?

    Happy FFF! Praying you have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Paying bills ahead is a blessing not many can claim! Good for you!

    Happy Birthday to your baby!

    I lived in Louisianna for one fall and I have to agree that the south is WONDERFUL at this time of year!

  9. So I've been feeling bad because I've been lurking on your blog but never leaving comments! So I figured that I should at least let you know that I have been reading. :p
    Between the two of us, we've managed to keep Hollie busy today. :) You should check out my fun blog...
    Hollie designed the whole thing!
    Are you doing any kind of party for Aaron?

  10. Your blog looks so nice and fall-y! Love it! Yeah, the weather is great. Happy birthday to your little guy. Don't you love that together time after the kids go to bed? I know I do!

    Have a great week ahead!

  11. Ah yes when you have kids sleeping in is a huge blessing! :)

  12. Paying bills early always feels so darn good!

    Yay for sleeping in. That is a very rare treat for me too.

    Love the fall colors. :v)


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