
Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday's Fave Five

  1.  Monday my Mama stayed the night with us. It's always good to have an extra hand around the house. The boys always love when she comes to stay.
  2. Tuesday we went to finish our Christmas shopping for the boys while my Mama kept the boys. It was our date day. It was so nice to be alone and converse with my husband in complete sentences. :) We got some great deals and ate at Olive Garden. Yummy!
  3. My husband was so helpful Wednesday and Thursday. He helped me fold the clothes and pick the house up so when the boys were asleep I could sit down with him. I love him very much!
  4. The Fall temps are finally back and the weather man says for good! woo-hoo! Cool days and cold nights!
  5. God's provision never ceases to amaze me! He is so mighty and awesome! He watches out for us and takes care of us in a way I can't explain!
Join Susanna@Living to tell the Story for Friday's Fave Five. Everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I hope everyone is having a great Thursday! It's raining here,praise God!! We have been without rain for a month and were in a drought. Praise God Sunday it starting raining! I'm thankful for this rain,though I am not a fan of rainy days. We desperately needed it!

Lynn@Spiritually Unequal Marriage is our host for this month of October. She asked us to share a verse today that has been a source of truth.

He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. Proverbs 16:32 This one was in my daily reading one day. Wow. Profound. Sometimes I am very quick to anger with myself,my kids,and my husband. It's not something I am happy about,but it is the truth. When I came across this verse again,I was reminded I should be slow to anger.  Why let people or what they do get to me? Am I that weak? I have Christ in me that is there to help me be slow to anger. This is one I am memorizing and will be posting it in our home. It's one I think we all could use. 

Share your verse with us and have a great day!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Michael Aaron!!

At 5:31 when he arrived! Read his birth story.

My big boy!! 

He has been such a blessing to us! Aaron is precious and affectionate. We love him so much! Thank you Lord!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday's Fave Five

It's a lovely day! It is time to reflect back on our week. Join us and Susanne@Living to tell the Story for Friday's Fave Five. 

  1. I was able to sleep till 8 some mornings!! My sweet Aaron likes to be up at 7,but at least 2 days he slept till 8 ahhh... 8 is late enough for me,sometimes too late. It was nice though.
  2. Being able to pay bills early. We have been able to pay 3 trucks notes ahead since we got our Mountaineer in April. It feels really good!
  3. Spending time with my parents on this past Monday. We took the boys over and spent most of the day. It was fun to see them play with the Grandparents and cousins. 
  4. The weather!! I love Fall! It's not too hot,but not too cold. I can raise the windows during the day and just smell the fresh air! Change is nice!
  5. Spending some time with my hubby. At night when the boys are in bed we've been cuddling up and watching the Baseball playoffs. I love baseball as much as he does. So it has been nice!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day! I re-did my blog with Fall colors. My lovely friend,Hollie, did my header. Pretty isn't it? Thank you bunches!!

This time last year I was in active labor with my baby Aaron. So amazing! He will be 1 tomorrow. Here is his birth story.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Happy TT!!! I love this meme! Lynn@Spiritually Unequal Marriage is our host this month of October. Don't forget to check out her post at her blog.

She shared 10 things about herself we did not know,so here goes my 10 things.
  1. I love to ride 4-wheelers!
  2. I have one older brother and one younger sister.
  3. We live in a pretty big city in Alabama.
  4. I am terrified of any type of insect,especially spiders!
  5. I have to sleep with a box fan,no matter how cold it is!
  6. We drink goat milk at our home.
  7. I have had 5 tickets and 2 wrecks all in one year(way back before I married my State Trooper ;) ).
  8. I love to sit under an open fire and cook smores or roast Conecuh sausage!
  9. I have worn glasses since the 4th grade,but at age 21 discovered contacts.
  10. I only have 2 living grandparents. My paternal Grandmother and paternal step-Grandmother.
I also want to say how thankful for my parents I am. We spent Monday with them and it was so much fun! I miss our land and that place. My parents have 40 wooded acres and a pond. Oh so many memories there! I wish so bad I could raise our boys there. My Daddy has recovered almost 100% from the Lyme disease and Babesia(type of Malaria). He has started back to work and we are so thankful!!! The boys had a blast playing with Mimi and Papa along with 2 cousins. My husband and I actually slipped away for a little bit to go by his old department(he used to be a Deputy) to check on everyone. It was nice! Mama cooked spaghetti (I still can't get mine to taste like hers lol) and brownies for us. We stayed until late that afternoon playing,talking,and laughing. I am very blessed indeed! My parents are amazing!! They are even more amazing Grandparents!

Join in with us and share your thankful heart!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Simple Woman's Day Book

Outside my window... The sun is peaking up over the trees and apartments and the temps are cool.
I am thinking...about what we shall do today!
I am thankful parents. We spent all day with them yesterday! It was so much fun! 
From the kitchen... I am about to cook pancakes and for lunch we are having my husband's favorite, hamburgers and macaroni and cheese.
I am wearing...still my night clothes hehe.. 
I am son's 1st birthday party!
I am get milk later at the goat farm.
I am reading...The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson still and the VOM magazines.
I am hoping...we have a relaxing,fun day! My husband is off,so I wanna go outside with the boys.
I am hearing...Daniel and Aaron watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on t.v. 
Around the house...I am bagging up summer clothes and pulling out winter clothes.
One of my favorite things...coming home to my 2 boys and husband when I have to go get groceries. My boys greet me with hugs and kisses,never gets dull.
A few plans for the rest of the week: wash some laundry and make a run to Target.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
This was yesterday at my parents. Aaron loved walking up and down the stairs,so Mimi happily helped him. :) 

Join in @ A Simply Woman's Daybook today. 

Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday's Fave Five

Join Susanne@Living to tell the Story for this meme. It's a great way to reflect back positively on the week. 
  1. It's been really nice and I've taken the boys out the past 2 days to play. We had some fun and I got some cute pictures.
  2. We had a very humbling and wonderful service at church Sunday. Our Pastor and Music Minister have such a heart for God. They are letting the Spirit of God move them and preach the mighty Word of God. 
  3. Getting things accomplished that haven been waiting to get done,feels so good!! That is something we did this week.
  4. The weather,ahhhh! Need I say more?? It's back down to the Fall weather here and we are loving it!
  5. Twitter. Yes, I love Twitter! I am able to keep up with Voice of the Martyr's as well as other ministries I love. It's great knowing right when they need someone to pray and I can spread the word too!
It's been a good week! Today was good,but then this afternoon was just aggravating. I left with the boys to go to Target and it ended up just a run around game. Soooo yeah. But we are home now and have ate and had bathes,so it's all good. :) Football tomorrow!!! WOO-HOO!! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thankful Thursday

If you haven't joined us before for Thankful Thursday,you should. It is my all time favorite one I think. Lynn@Spiritually Unequally Marriage is our host for the month of October. Read her post and don't forget to link up. She shares with us about freedom in Christ.

I'm very thankful for freedom in Christ,for without him there is no freedom at all. He set me free a few years back from a bad spirit of fear. At times it tries to raise it's ugly head,but I remember it was for freedom he set me free! Once he set me free I don't have to be a slave to bondage anymore. He broke those chains! I love the song by Chris Tomlin,Amazing Grace. My chains are gone,I've been set free. My God,my Savior has ransomed me! If you have never experienced freedom in Christ, you are missing out on life.

Link up with us today. Blessings!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Study of Philippians

I stumbled across this new blog, Becky@Daily On My Way to Heaven. She's a sister in the Lord and has started a study on her blog. She has a lady leading a study on Philippians. It just started today and will be on each Saturday for 8 weeks. I will joining in as much as I can and I am looking forward to the study. So join in with us and meditate on God's Word.

Blessings!! Now, off to cook and watch college football! :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday's Fave Five

Join us and host Susanne@Living to tell the Story for Friday's Fave Five. 
  1. Seeing my baby boy walk more and more each day. Aaron begin taking steps about a month ago and it's so sweet watching him do his sumo walk around the house.
  2. Being able to read at night after the boys are in bed. I love to read! I have been catching up on my Voice of the Martyr's magazines.
  3. Taking my boys outside in this nice,cool weather. We have had some fun days and I have some great pictures!
  4. Muffins! Growing up we ate muffins a lot and loved them! I love to make them when the temps cool down for my boys. We enjoyed some Apple Cinnamon muffins this week.
  5. Being able to write and have some down time. Twice this week, the boys just played in their room. I worked on pictures and wrote some at my other blog. It's nice!
Join in with us! I really like this meme. We can look back and reflect on the week in a positive way!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thankful Thursday

It's time to share what you are thankful for with some wonderful ladies. Lynn@Spiritually Unequal Marriage is our host for the month of October. She is an awesome lady who encourages me! So check out her post and link up with us.

  • a loving,caring,compassionate husband
  • a forgiving,mighty,long suffering God
  • 2 forgiving,loving,handsome boys
  • a hot cup of coffee on a cool morning
  • a bonfire on a cool night with smores
  • the beauty of nature that my God blesses me with
  • health of my body and mind
  • windy days outside with my family
  • a warm,comfy bed at night
  • the conviction of the Holy Spirit
Those are just a few things I'm thankful for! I'm also thankful for the Voice of the Martyr's ministry. They spread the word about the persecuted church. At the age of 23 a passion for missions was birthed in me while on a trip to Honduras with a Prison Ministry team. I then found out about VOM and their ministry. Wow. It is amazing to hear the stories of OUR brothers and sisters overseas and even near us in Mexico that suffer for the name of Jesus. If you haven't checked out their link or blog you should. It will really make you thankful for all the things we have here. Pray for these people! They don't like to be persecuted,but they are not willing to deny the name of Christ. How powerful!!

Have a great day!!

Check out my new post at my other blog,From My Heart.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Word-Filled Wednesday

Join us with Amy Deanne@Internet Cafe Devotions for Word-Filled Wednesday. It's not about the picture,but the scripture! ]

I think this says it all. I've very pro-life and anti-abortion for any reason.This is a favorite verse of mine! Have a blessed day! Is anyone else having trouble uploading from your computer? I had to upload from a URL.

Here is a new post from my other blog From My Heart

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Simple Woman's Day Book

Outside my window... It's breezy,sunny,and COOL!! Fall is finally here! It's 45 degrees outside and I'm loving it!
I am thinking... about how much I love this time of the year. I wake up in a good mood everyday! The weather is just so gorgeous. I pretend I live in a big city like New York or Chicago,it's fun! 
I am thankful for... Jesus. Without him I would be lost. He has saved me from hell,myself,and fear. He is the love of my life!
From the kitchen... We're having Banana Bread and coffee for breakfast. :) For lunch we'll have hamburgers,mac&cheese,and french fries.
I am wearing... a Dauphin Island t and pj pants
I am creating... my Christmas list for my hubby.
I am going... outside later with the boys. My Mom is coming down to visit. It should be fun!
I am reading... The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkenson,it's really good!
I am hoping... we can go see Toby Mac and Skillet in November. It would be SO awesome!
I am hearing... Aaron and the t.v.
Around the house... Mike and Daniel are still asleep. I've got my fall candles lit and the heater is warming us up.
One of my favorite things... is coffee! I love it,but really like to drink it when it is cold. French Vanilla Creamer is the best!!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Putting away summer clothes and pulling out winter clothes,spending a lot of time outside,and snuggling with my hubby at night.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Daniel loves to ride the new toys at Wal-Mart in Semmes. This is a bus he was riding. Priceless,that smile of his!

I have been joining in for Tasty Tuesday with Alicia@A Beautiful Mess the past several weeks,but I am running out of recipes I use. We eat a lot of simple things,so I am going to do A Simple Woman's Daybook I think for now. Check out Alicia's blog though!

Have a great day!!! 

Monday, October 4, 2010

At the Well-A Makeover of the Heart

It's week 4 of our study Makeover of the Heart here At the Well. Join us at Tracy leads us on a journey to have a transformed heart. You can be born again in Christ and still have things hidden deep in your heart and you can always have room for improvement on your heart. I know I do!

Read 2 Timothy 2:22-24, Colossians 3:1-17 and Ephesians 4:17-5:21.
How should you live? Take a few moments to reflect on these.
What is the Holy Spirit showing you? Are there areas you need to surrender to God?
1 Peter 2:11 says we are “strangers and aliens” in THIS world and to stay clear of sinful desires, which war against our soul.  The message says, “This world is NOT our home, so don’t make ourselves too cozy in it. Are there areas in your life where you have become “cozy in the world?” Have you developed habits that don’t glorify God? 

These are some tough,personal questions. But I think they are important for us to asks ourselves often,very often. I love the passage from Colossians 3. When I was on the drama team we all tried to learn this passage and it really wasn't that hard. It kept us reminded of what God desires for us.  

From these verses I think we should live a life that pleases the Father. Like Tracy said that does not mean a perfect life,but one that has a repentant and humble heart. I used to think the opposite. I used to think to please God I had to be perfect. I believe He desires for us to strive to be perfect and when we fail yes He may be disappointed,but He is there waiting for us to repent and ask for His help.  

As I was driving to town one day last week, I was thinking about my daily life. I strive to glorify God in what I do. Whether it is music,t.v.,movies,dress,and so on. Is it hard? Yes,but I do try to glorify Him and do what I believe glorifies Him. I struggle in the area of patience and being stubborn. I think everyone can be short of patience when dealing with other humans. I deal daily with my 2 boys and patience is something I am having to surrender to God. My boys will not learn most things in an instant,just like I do not. I also struggle with the Martha syndrome. I can't stand for the dishes to be piling up or unnecessary things just laying around. I want to take care of our home and I believe that is what God wants. But I also have 2 little ones at home all day that I need to care for and play with. I struggle with how to balance this. I don't want my husband to come home to a dirty house each night,but I don't want to just clean all day and not play with my boys. I have been asking the Lord to make me more like Mary in all areas. 

I have to cut it short. The little ones are looking for me. I can't wait to read more entries and start the study guide today.  Hope everyone has a blessed day!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday's Fave Five

I'm a little late than usual with my posting. It's been a busy day! Grocery shopping,paying bills,and then some leisure shopping with my family. Whew! Glad to be home winding down!

I can't get the new FFF image to upload. My computer is being stubborn,so I'll use this one. Join Susanne@Living to tell the Story for Friday's Fave Five. It's a great meme to join in on!

  1. My husband made it home Monday!!! I was soooo happy and so were the boys! We missed him so much! He didn't like the detail he was on,but that is part of his job. He goes where he is told to go. He did make some really good overtime money,which we can use. 
  2. The temperature has finally made it to fall like for the deep South. It's been in the low 80's during the day with a pretty good breeze and in the low 60's(even high 50's in some spots) at night. WOO-HOO!!! This makes me so very happy! Fall is here and it will just get colder,which I love!
  3. We had some unexpected blessings come our way,which we are so thankful for! God always provides for us and I'm so humbled by it. 
  4. Coffee. Need I say more? I will drink hot coffee anytime,but really prefer it during the cold months. Since I get up early and it was still in the 50's out,I put the coffee on brew. Yum! A little sugar and French Vanilla Creamer does a woman good!
  5. Little moments with our boys. Daniel likes Wonder Pets and on the way home today he was singing 'what's gonna work? team work!' It was SO cute! 
I hope everyone has a blessed weekend! I am sorry if I do not get around to many of you on the blogs. I usually blog early while one boy is still sleeping,then start cleaning,and playing with the boys. So I usually do not get a chance to get on here and actually read a post. I know that will change one day as they boys grow older. Thanks for all who comment on my blog though!!!! :) Much love!