
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Reflecting On the Week-With Pictures!

I love,love,love pictures! I love to take them and to be in them! We took a good bit of pictures this week. So I am going to reflect on our week in pictures. If I started a meme for this, would anyone be interested? I could do it on Saturdays. Hmm.. let me know!

Daniel and myself swimming at my parents. 

 Daniel,me,Tabitha,and Marley having fun!

He loves setting up his army men,he gets pretty creative!

The 3 Musketeers! They had a ball playing-no pun intended lol

Papa being the ref in their kickball game ha!

This is our "new" Mercury Mountaineer. We got it back in April and it feels new to us!

How adorable,Michael Aaron.

Aaron wanted my camera,imagine that!

Playing hard! He looks so grown up here!

We went to visit our friends at the Sheriff's Office. This is Mrs. Ruth,a dispatcher,and long time friend of my husbands. She is so sweet!

We then stopped by my in-laws. Daniel showing Daddy some tractors.

            Robyn's new puppy,Tebow. Yes she is a die HARD Florida Gator fan,hence the name Tebow.

Daniel wasn't so sure about it chasing him and nipping at his heels lol

Maycie reading some of her homework to Daniel. Are we fast food junkies? Most of the time,yes!

Heather and myself. My youngest sister-in-law. She's a homeschooler and just got done with her last year. I look so tall,I had on sandals that make to to appear taller.

Mama and Aaron. He's just so cute!

Robyn and myself. She is the oldest SIL. We went to college together and boy did we make memories? YEAH! Don't worry it was a Christian(very conservative) college,so no partying,just acting silly!

This is my love,Mike,and myself. He is so handsome. Always has been and always will. I love him so much! I have grown to love him more the past 3 1/2 years of marriage. 

My mini me- well in personality traits anyways! Daniel Paul and Mama. He is so cute and so much like me it is ridiculous. I know now why my Mama is a little crazy. ;) Just kidding!

He loves to lay things out or line things up. Hmmm.. Type A personality?

Mike,me,Robyn,and Aaron. Aaron wasn't sure what was going on lol

This was the fun pictures! Yesterday it was raining,but the kind you won't get struck in,so we washed clothes. Daniel spotted water and had to get in it. Letting go of my usual self,I let him get in it. :)

Needless to say,it was priceless to watch! He had fun!!

He was actually going to put his head in it and I had to scream in terror NOOOO it's not a bath hahaha

Okay,Ma,gee I was just playing!

Digging in the mud. Oh what a boy! 

                                                    I was wearing Aaron and he just had fun being close.

Hope ya enjoyed the pictures!! We went a little more this week than we usually do,but it was fun and I got plenty of pictures!!! :) Pictures are worth a thousand words I do believe. Now, off for some shopping with Robyn,ahhh Mommy/Girl time!


  1. Love the pictures!! I would do a weekly meme of this :)

  2. Great pictures!

    We don't take nearly as many photos as we did when my son was little. I think "camera" was one of his first words! Now he's almost 13 and not changing as quickly.

  3. LOVE the splashing in the water pictures. so cute!

  4. I love those mud pictures! Are those cowboy boots he's wearing?! :)


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