
Friday, August 13, 2010

Five Question Friday

I'm trying another new meme today. Link up with us!

1. Have you ever visited another country?
Yes I went to Honduras in 2003 for a mission trip. I loved the country and the people! It was so beautiful,but VERY hot. It was 115 degrees the whole time and that was the cool season. Yeah...

2. Where is the strangest place you have ever been?
Hmm... I really do not know. We went to an old abandoned hospital when I was in college,it was more like scary. There was this church one time and it was really strange. We went to do dramas and it was weird to a lot of us. We were glad to be gone,I know bad to say!

3. What is your favorite season?
I love Fall and Spring,but my favorite is Fall. Ahh the beautiful reds,browns,yellows,and oranges. The cool,crisp air. Thanksgiving and lots of food! :)

4. What one song will always cheer you up?
I'm a huge music person,so this is a hard one. Hmm... Something To Say by Matthew West. I love his stuff and of course, Toby Mac.

5. What Disney character do you resemble most?
Gah,these are hard lol I used to think I was Sleeping Beauty when I was little,but I don't do Disney much.. You choose!


  1. These are fun questions! My son is a big fan of Matthew West and Toby Mac, too.

    I'm not sure which Disney character I resemble most. Don't ask my son, though: he might suggest Grumpy. ;)

  2. Honduras? Very cool. I know a medical missionary there. I love HOT, so maybe it would be OK for me.

    I love fall too. It's coming...

    Blessings, e-Mom ღ


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