
Friday, July 23, 2010

Will You Pray For Them?

vom groups
weekly prayer updates
"Prayer is the pulse of life; by it the doctor can tell what is the condition of the heart. The sin of prayerlessness is a proof for the ordinary Christian or minister that the life of God in the soul is in deadly sickness and weakness." - Andrew Murray

"praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints" - Ephesians 6:18 
VOM-USA Prayer Update for July 23, 2010
On Tue. Jul 20 2010 at 01:49 PM Moderator wrote:
PAKISTAN -- Two Christians Killed -- VOM Contacts

Two Christians who had been arrested and accused of blasphemy were killed on July 19 in Faisalabad, according to VOM contacts. Rashid and Sajid were attacked and killed by a young Muslim while walking from court to a police van. Following their murders, angry Christians and Muslims began to throw stones at one another in the streets, and one Christian boy was injured. Police have used tear gas to control the situation. Rashid and Sajid had been accused of distributing a pamphlet "against Islam and Mohammed." "[There is no] evidence that these two brothers were distributing against Islam," VOM contacts said. Pray for the families of Rashid and Sajid and for the protection of Christians in the area, including VOM staff. Pray that tensions between Christians and Muslims will be diffused and that Christians will behave in a way that glorifies God.

Romans 8:34-36

NIGERIA -- Eight Killed in Sectarian Violence -- Agence France-Presse

On July 13, violence erupted between Muslims and Christians in Eastern Nigeria. "Eight people have been killed and 40 others seriously injured in the violence, while six mosques and one church were burnt," Taraba state police commissioner Aliyu Musa told Agence France-Presse (AFP). A local observer told AFP the violence was caused by the "construction of a mosque at a police headquarters." A Christian mob opposed to the construction of the mosque razed it. Muslims responded by attacking a nearby church, leading to the eruption of violent clashes between the two sides. Pray that the situation will not escalate. Pray that the testimony of true believers in Nigeria will draw both nominal Christians and their Muslim neighbors into fellowship with Christ.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

IRAN -- Christian in Solitary Confinement -- Farsi Christian News Network

Ali Golchin, an Iranian Christian, has been held in solitary confinement in Tehran's Evin prison since he was arrested in his hometown of Varamin, according to Farsi Christian News Network (FCNN). After appealing to authorities for weeks, Ali's father was finally allowed to visit him on June 17. "Ali's father shared that he was distressed to find his son ‘crying uncontrollably' and in obvious pain," FCNN reported. Sources believe Ali has been treated harshly during interrogations because he is suffering from "weakness and severe stomachaches." The Iranian government has not filed criminal charges against Ali, and no lawyers have been appointed for his defense. "Ali's wife has been warned not to attend church and told that she will only be able to negotiate with the authorities about Ali's release if she converts to Islam," according to FCNN. Please pray for Ali's release. Pray that the Lord will sustain him and his family and that Ali's testimony will strengthen the faith of other believers.

Psalm 91:1-6

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