
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Lynn @ Spiritually Unequal Marriage is our host this month,check out her post this morning!

It is thankful Thursday,but my heart is very heavy. Yesterday afternoon as I was in Wal-Mart with my precious son,Daniel, having a good time one family was about to loose a Father,husband,Grandfather,and friend. As I drove home from the goat farm a good friend of ours called me looking for my husband. He sounded serious and angry as he told me our hometown Sheriff had been ran over at a roadblock and was in serious condition. He was south flighted to USA Medical Center only minutes from our home and they did not expect him to live. I immediately started praying for the Sheriff,who is a close friend of ours and my husband's former boss. We had not seen him since last summer,but were planning to go see him next week for my husband's birthday. I got home as fast as I could to tell Mike,who I knew would be very upset. Not long after Brian had called us, the Sheriff died. He left behind a wife,3 children,7 Grandkids,and many friends. He was trying to serve a warrant on a young guy,when the girl driving struck the Sheriff,then ran him over. It is a sad day in George County,Mississippi.  My husband left that afternoon to go on the massive man hunt. He made it back home around 2:30 this morning and they were still looking for them.

What is even more sad, is we know the girl personally. She is a cousin of a very close family we are friends with. It it a very tough situation. The county is torn between it all. My flesh wants them both to fry,that is harsh,but that is honest. But my Spirit grieves for their souls. What could one be thinking when intentionally hitting someone with your vehicle? They are SO young to be in this kind of trouble. The hood of the truck look like they hit a deer. I feel for the Sheriff's family and the 2 accomplices families. What a tragic thing! So today I am thankful for Law Enforcement. Not many like them because they give tickets,but that is their job,to keep us safe. The guy was wanted on drug charges and has been in a lot of trouble. What those 2 kids do not realize is the Sheriff was trying to help them also. You can compare his job to God's job. God does not punish us because He hates us,He loves us. From knowing the Sheriff personally, he had a passion for justice and to help people. He wasn't trying to hurt that boy and girl,they both needed help. Jail is not a pretty place,but sometimes it is a low for people and God really does touch them there and they are changed forever. My husband is a State Trooper and he loves it! He has a passion for justice and helping others too. People think all they do is write tickets,but they don't. They have to go to horrible wrecks and see people from all walks of life mangled and battered. They are the ones who go to the door steps of the family that lost a loved one and tell them their child,husband,or Mother isn't coming home. It is a hard job and a stressful job,but I am thankful someone does it. I am safe a lot of times because these people go out and look for those who are harmful and a lot of them do it because they want to simply help. It saddens me that so many look down on them. No they aren't perfect,they are human. We hold them and Pastors up way too high. They are human and will make mistakes.

So be praying for the Welford,Baxter,and Williams families. Be praying for the Sheriff Department of Lucedale,MS and for the town. It will be tough. Garry was a Game Warden for 30 years and has been Sheriff for awhile. Pray for your Law Enforcement Officers too,they need it. Have a great day!


  1. Saying prayers, such a sad tragedy.

  2. What a horrible situation ! I'll definitely be praying for everyone involved.

  3. Such a tragic situation. I'm praying right now.


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