
Monday, January 7, 2013

Verse For the Year

My verse for the year is this one:

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26

I know that the only way to do the things I desire to do will be with God's strength. I know I cannot do things in my own strength. I have started changing my eating habits last week and my flesh will most certainly fail in this new journey,but I know God will not fail me if I rely on Him. I have some fruits of the Spirit to work on too. I need to be more long-suffering, more gentle, more patient. Must I go on down the line? In my own strength I cannot do these things. I have to rely on God. I want to rely on God. It's my flesh that likes to take the reigns back and say, 'Heather you can do this.' Jesus is in my heart, God's Spirit lives inside of me. I can do it in His strength.

Anyone else there with me? Are there things you want to change this year, but you know you cannot do it yourself? If so, then you have come to a great point in life. Once we realize we cannot do things on our own, God can use us. He doesn't really need us, but He wants us. That should make your heart leap. So though my heart and flesh will fail, sin, slip up, and make mistakes, I can take comfort in the fact that God is my strength and portion forever, and He never fails.

Do you have a verse for the year? Share it with me!

1 comment:

  1. That's a great verse for the year! I enjoyed what you wrote about seeking Him for our strength.

    God bless you.


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