
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thankful Thursday- Christmas

It feels so good to be back in the blogging world. I have missed Thankful Thursday with my fellow sisters in Christ!

Iris shares her love of the Christmas story with us today and her thankfulness for Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. I am also thankful for that. I love this time of the year. I always have said if not for his birth, there would be no resurrection. I am also thankful for child-like faith and wonder. We took our 3 boys to a light show last night called Bellingrath Gardens. It was beautiful! You walked through the gardens and thousands of lights surrounded you in the bushes, trees, and even on the ground. Angels, Christmas trees, snowflakes, an under water sea, the North Pole, a Nativity scene, and much more took my children's breath. They were in wonder so innocently at the beauty displayed. I loved it! As a Mother we want our children to have happy memories and seeing their faces lite up was priceless. If only that child-like wonder and faith would remain with us as we grow older. I wonder if we would this Christmas, celebrate like it was our first time hearing of the Savior's birth and be in awe of his majestic arrival? I desire that more than anything. I never want to grow stale in my faith and wonder for my Savior. He is the only reason for the season, and not just at Christmas either! Have a blessed day friends!

Check out Iris@Grace Alone to link up with us.

1 comment:

  1. When you mention Iris, I can't help but smile. She lives not too far from me and I've had the wonderful privilege of meeting her in person and having lunch together. Love her ...

    Yes, there is much for which we can be thankful. Child-like faith is something we all could use.

    Thank you for stopping by Heart Choices.

    Blessings and love,


I'm so glad you stopped by! I love hearing from those who read my blog,so share your thoughts with me.