
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Thorns in the Flesh

I am learning that when I am weak,Christ is strong. Is it hard? You bet! I have had some physical issues for the last 9 months almost and it's been so trying. It's nothing major,but it is something that wears on me. Last year God brought the verse about His grace being sufficient for me to reality. So many times I want to do it in my own self or I want the thorn removed. Our Lord does not always work that way does He? No, He wants to purify us and wants us to rely on Him solely for our strength. It is not easy having thorns in our flesh, things that annoy us or that seem to hinder how well we can serve the Lord,our families,our friends,and even our churches.  Rest assured though, the Lord sees past those thorns and sees what He can do through us when we rely on Him and His strength. Often times I believe He allows thorns in our flesh so we know that His grace is sufficient for us. That sounds harsh to someone who does not know our Lord. We were his thorn in the flesh,but did God remove us? Did Jesus ask for the thorn to be removed? Yes,but in the end he said let YOUR will be done,Father. Through that thorn,our sin, a beautiful redemption was wrought. A bridge that filled the gap between us and God. The thorn was worth it and God did would only God could do through Jesus,He made a way for forgiveness of sins. God can do the same thing with our thorns. He often doesn't calls those who are equipped for a job, though it looks as if they are strong in that area. He calls them and with the power of Christ in them and working through them,they look as if it takes no effort to do what God has called them to do. It takes a lot of effort,dying to self.

I see other Mothers and I think wow I wish I could be like that or do that. They make it look so easy. It's not easy,but when they have embraced their role as a Mother and rely on the strength of Christ it is much easier than doing it on their own. I am learning,note I said learning to rely on Him while being a Mother. I never knew how hard being a Mother was until I had my first. It is so hard and so challenging. You literally are giving up so much of yourself for another being,one that isn't even big enough to have a say so in their wants and needs. You are giving up what you want for what that baby wants and needs most importantly. At first I bulked at the thought and I fought against it,as if my child was my enemy,trying to take away my wants. Thank God for His grace and mercy and His Word. I learned that He wants to refine me through my children. He uses them to help me to die to myself and to become more like Christ. A little baby,a rambunctious toddler,and an adventurous preschooler. Who would have thought it? So I have quit fighting (for the most part) against it. I gave up a lot of the things I want to do,not need too,but things I want too do. It's been hard and not very fun at times. I don't blog as often as I want,I don't get to sit and read all day,and I don't get to watch every show on t.v. I would like. Some say that I am depriving myself,but I don't see it that way. There are times when I do get to do things I want,like now,but I am realizing these things will be here and if they aren't one day,was it that important? No, raising my children and being there for them is the most important. Blogging is not my ministry yet,I would love for it to be one day. I love to make jewelry and want to be able to do that more one day and bless others with it. I would love to write a book one day. Right now I am not in that season where I can devout a lot of time to those things and I am learning to accept that. It will look different for each woman,but I believe her home and family is her first ministry. I minister to my husband also by serving him,but I don't have to do everything for him and I'm not teaching him how to live,so it's different. When I feel I cannot be the Mother God wants me to be,I know His grace is there for me and He is there to guide me.

What are the thorns in your flesh? By no mean am I calling children a thorn. I have thorns that pain me,but I will discuss them another time.

And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

 II Corinthians 12:7-10

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Heather. You are so right, home and family is always a woman's first ministry. In different seasons of life, there may be additional ministries. Believe me, the season passes so quickly, and then you can never go back, no matter how much you'd like to do so.


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