
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thankful Thursday ~~ A New Year

It has been awhile since I have been able to blog. I suppose I will be hit and miss until my boys are well into their teens. That's okay, it will go by faster than I think.

Join Laurie@Women Taking A Stand and link up for Thankful Thursday. Thankfulness is something we all could work on and really it's not that hard. We all have things we can thank God for.

I am thankful for a new year. Last year was a really great year. My oldest turned 3,my middle turned 2,and our youngest was born. We lost loved ones and we had loved ones born. There were times that were very hard and trying and there were times that werere so exciting I could hardly contain myself. We celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary and also birthdays,which are bringing us closer to 30. We had goals met and then we had goals unmet. We had dreams come true and then we had dreams that withered away. I started selling the jewelry that I make online and am excited to see where God takes this endeavor. One thing for sure is, God saw us through it all. Without God we would not be where we are today. We took the good with the bad and went forward. So I am excited to see what 2012 has for us. It should be interesting. We have more dreams and goals we are wanting to acheive and see come to past,but ultimately it's in God's hands. Our oldest will be 4 this month,our youngest will turn 1 in June,and our middle with turn 3 in October. Those things in themselves are exciting!! I will turn 29 next month and my husband will turn 30 in July. We will be turning so many new chapters in our lives. I want to live in the moment,not for a moment. We all look forward to a certain moment or occasion and I think we forget to live in the moments and even in those that may not be so exciting. My moments consist of babies crying,brothers fighting,chaning lots of diapers,hearing Mama a billion times from sun-up to sun-down,having little arms wrapped around my neck,little lips kissing my cheeks,and a not so clean house. BUT I want to live in these moments,for they will pass ever so quickly. I don't want to wish my days away to birthdays,holidays,or other "important" days/nights. I want everyday to hold a new adventure,even if it is just in my home with my little family.

What are you thankful for? Share with us and link up. This is a favorite of mine. Hope you all had a blessed Christmas and have a fabulous new year!!


  1. Glad to read your post today! You are right, we need to enjoy the moments and not always be looking forward to something that's coming.


  2. May your new year be sweetly blessed.

  3. What a great devotional on the new year. So many blessings!

  4. So glad to see you today over at THANKFUL THURSDAY Heather! Your boys are getting big many blessings and yet so many yet to be seen in the new year! ((blessings))


I'm so glad you stopped by! I love hearing from those who read my blog,so share your thoughts with me.