
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Our Date and Touring Beavior

Last Saturday my husband and I had a date. We are trying to make them monthly. :) We dropped the boys off at his parents and headed to the coast of Mississippi. We had no clue what we wanted to do,until we passed a Beauvorr sign and ding ding! We wanted to go tour Beauvoir,the home of Jefferson Davis. I took a good bit of pictures and wanted to share them. We had a great time! We ate at Logan's Roadhouse,went to some outlet malls,and finished the date with dipping dots,my fave!! It was a great day!! I love my husband and spending time with him. So here are some pictures.

The State Flag,American Flag,and the Confederate Flag flying out in front of Beauvoir.

Beautiful beach view. This is the Gulf of Mexico in Biloxi,MS.

A view from the porch of Beauvoir.

Beauvoir, French for Beautiful View. 

Jefferson Davis statue.



I look so small compared to the home!

It's so pretty,but it was VERY hot!

My love,waiting for the tour to start.

My husband and me on the back porch. It was a great tour!

The entrance of Beauvoir.

So pretty! He had a wonderful view!

Going on the rest of the tour, Beauvoir from the back. Hollie,this is the picture I sent you.

Oyster Bayou and waterfalls-mini by the way! :)

My husband likes pictures of me. :)

Going to the cemetery.

I love the moss on the trees,so pretty!

The Confederate Cemetery from far off.

There were rows and rows of head stones.

Not sure if this was a grave or not. I love that old flag! 

Head stones that were destroyed during Hurricane Katrina.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Very sad.

Mike and me. He is so handsome! :)

Great quote!

We spotted a squirrel on the way out.

The terrace on the grounds near the home.

The Hayes Cottage,where people actually can stay.

More terrace

Jefferson and 2 of his boys that The National Sons of Confederate Veterans gave to the estate.

This was at Mike's parents with Daniel. He had fun,but he missed us! 

We hardly ever get pictures like we used too since we don't have someone near all the time. 

Great picture!! :)

I got my hair cut last Tuesday and she did good. She fixed it also,this was that afternoon.

I love how she did it. She used a roll brush and a hair dryer.

We had a great time! We learned a lot about Jefferson Davis. Mike knew a lot already. We take pride in our heritage. We are both history buffs and love anything about the Civil War.

Okay,now back to regularly schedule blogging! :)


  1. Love the pics. I didn't even notice you on the steps in the first one! You do look tiny!! I didn't realize how big the place was! I love the pics of you and Mike you all are so cute together. Oh, and I love your dress and your hair! You're so pretty Heather!

  2. My husband went to tech school in Biloxi (Keesler AFB) so it was fun to see pictures of around where it was! Thanks for sharing.

    And on a different note, I passed on a blog award to you: . You have a lot of great stuff on here and it's fun to read! :)

  3. What great pictures! Looks like you had fun! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Franklin will be calling Biloxi home for about 6 months when he's in tech school! You look great! I hope you don't mind me saying it but you look super skinny :). It looks like you guys had a blast.

  5. Now that's the kind of date my husband and I would love to take! Looks like so much fun!


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