
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thankful Thursday- the provision of God

Welcome to Thankful Thursday! Lynn @ Spiritually Unequal Marriage is our host for the month of July. So don't forget to check out her inspiring post. Also, write a post of your own sharing what you are thankful for! We would love to have you join us today!

I am thankful for God's provision! He provides right on time and is never late! Even when we don't deserve it,He still meets our need. He has yet to fail us and not provide our needs. Has He always given us our wants? No,but that does not mean He doesn't love us. Some give in order to get with God and I used to do the same thing. I learned then, what if He does not give back each time? Does that mean I should not praise Him? No. I praise Him no matter what! Like in the movie Facing the Giants, we will praise Him whether we win or loose. God isn't looking for those who are only willing to go through the good times of blessing with Him,He needs those who will walk through those dark times too. We have learned to praise Him in the storm! God will never not give back,but He will not always do it on our time schedule. He is God and it is up to Him when he gives back and blesses us. The Word says He rains on the just and unjust. So always be thankful for His provision!

We were blessed with a toddler race car bed for my oldest son for FREE! She is a lady we go to church with and she gave us everything,but the sheets and bedspread. We had been putting it off because we needed other things,well God our meet our need,but went above that and gave Daniel his want- a race car bed. He loves it so much and sleeps in it every night! When we got it,we stopped and prayed to Jesus thanking him for the blessing. But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

What are you thankful for today? Have a great day!!


  1. May God continue to meet your needs.

  2. Wow, isn't that just like our heavenly Father! I'm sure your little racecar driver will always know how he can rest in the secure arms of the One who Provides.


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