
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thankful Thursday- Mothers

Welcome to Thankful Thursday! I have missed the past couple of weeks,but glad to be back today! Don't forget to check out Laurie @ Women Taking A Stand,for she is the host this month. She always has encouraging and wise posts that bless me.

I am thankful for Mothers today! Since Mother's Day is coming up on Sunday I wanted to have a post dedicated to Mothers. Being a Mother surely is not easy. I wasn't sure how motherhood would be once I got pregnant with my first son. I had a lot of expectations and thoughts,but a lot of those changed once I became a Mother in the flesh. I hope and pray I am growing as a young Mother. I hope and pray I am setting the example for my boys God wants me too. I'm only 2 years into this thing and I am learning so much. I sit sometimes and really cannot believe I am a Mother of 2 boys! It is amazing and scary at the same time! God had entrusted me with 2 of His own to care and nurture for. Wow. He surely must have a lot of faith in me and I can't do it without His guidance and the Holy Spirit.

To all you Mother's that truly seek out God's will for you as a Mother and for your children, I bless you today! God has called you into something bigger than you can imagine. It is tiring and hard. It is joyous and heartbreaking. It is life. We have the privilege to impart God's Word into these little souls that God may call them by His Spirit for eternal salvation and thus the furtherance of His kingdom! I love this phrase, Blessed is she among women,that you are today and everyday! We are helping to mold and raise His generation. He wants them to love Him,seek Him,and live for Him! The task seems very much,but I am learning with God I can do it. I can be a Godly Mother to my boys and show them what type of woman to look for in their future wife. I am thankful that I am a Mother today.

I am also thankful for my Mother. She is not a very strong woman physically,but oh is she strong in the Spirit! She has raised 3 wonderful children and is helping to raise all her Grandbabies. She set an example for us as little girls how to be a Godly Mother and wife for our husbands. She also set an example for my Daddy and it led him to the cross of Christ! She works hard physically and spiritually to help maintain her home and many other homes! Thank your Mother for all she has done. Even if she wasn't the Godly Mother and she isn't, you can be an example to her.

For those who are not Mother's yet and long to be. You are a Mother to someone,even if it isn't biological. So never forget that! God honors the sacrifices you make for children that aren't even yours. You are a Mother in His eyes today! I pray you all have a wonderful Mother's Day and Thursday!!

Join us for Thankful Thursday's and check out Laurie @ Women Taking A Stand. God Bless!

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