
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thankful Thursday-Parents

Welcome to Thankful Thursdays! I pray your day will be a blessed one! Laurie @ Women Taking A Stand is our host this month! Check her out!

We spent Wednesday visiting my parents and had a wonderful time! If you don't already know, I'm very close to my family and very passionate about family. So today I am thankful for my parents. My parents have been married for almost 36 years and have 3 kids. I am the middle child. I have 1 older brother and 1 younger sister. I think I have the best parents in the world! They raised us to see a home isn't about the type of home,but the home is about the love in it. We were not rich or well off by no means,but we had love. Were we poor? No not in our eyes,but yes in some peoples eyes we were. We always had shelter,food,and clothing and to me that is what mattered. My Mother accepted Christ at age 28,but it wasn't until 2 years ago that my Daddy accepted Christ. He still always raised us to do what was right in God's eyes. We were loved and we loved our parents. I'm so grateful for my parents and the person they helped me to become. They have an empty nest now and 7 grandkids to show for it. It's wonderful to see them both living for the Lord. They have had their hard times. My Daddy has been suffering for 2 years now with horrible pain all over and doctors aren't sure why. He's not wavered in his faith though. He's not even been able to work,they make it on my Mama's income from Wal-Mart and literally live on a prayer. But God didn't promise life would be easy. He did say He would provide and for them He does. It's hard seeing them struggle,but it is also amazing to see God provide for them supernaturally. Keep them in your prayers please!

What are you thankful for today?


  1. What a beautiful post! It's so great to see your parents faith through all of their trails and tribulations. To see them believing that God will supply all of their needs is definitely a good reminder to be thankful for what we have:)

  2. Heather, thank you for sharing your grateful heart with us. What a wonderful heritage your parents are leaving ... not only for you, but for generations to come. HAPPY TT!

  3. Oh wow. This post put a smile on my face :) Reminds me of my family and my parents... It wasn't a house we grew up in, but a home.

    Have a very blessed Thursday.

  4. I hope my boys feel the same way about me one day! xo

  5. oh..such a touching tribute for your parents.. God bless them richly and abundantly for being faithful to serve Him.

  6. You parents sound wonderful and your home sounds just like mine. We were not rich and I guess to some folks we might have been poor, but none of us ever felt like we were poor.

    Praise God your dad finally accepted Jesus...he has probably been on the verge for a long time now.

    Have a wonderful day!
    God bless you
    Sharon @

  7. Such a beautiful tribute to your parents.

  8. I love this a wonderful tribute to your parents.
    God Bless

  9. So beautiful. Your thankfulness really rubs off on me. You're always reminding me that I need to remember what I"m thankful for, especially in the hard times.


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