
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday- Light of the World

I love this day in the blogging world,it's Thankful Thursday! Welcome and I pray you can find something to be thankful about! Laurie @ Women Taking A Stand is our host this month. She has a very important post today about being faithful in all things,check it out and be blessed!

Our Bible study this morning talked about God's will,grace,mercy,light,and much more. I'm thankful for God's light,Jesus. He is our light in this dark and dreary world! He is our hope in this sin stricken world! Praise God for His Son,His Light! And to think this light Jesus lives inside of me,working daily. He wants to use me for the glory of His Father. A sin sick soul such as me! That is awesome! God sees what I will be and knows what awesome plans He has for me. That's why He hasn't given up on me,He sees what I cannot see. God can take the cheifest of sinners,such as Saul, and shine His light on them and they become Paul. Does that not make you want to shout? Glory to God! I love to hear those testimonies like Saul's. Those of people who were so horrible (in our eyes, sin is sin to God),but had one encounter with our Savior and the Light of the world! Isn't that what this life is all about? Seeing people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!! Then, walking according to His Word,the Holy Bible. Have you met the Light of the world today? He will radically change you forever!! To God be the glory!!

Then, Jesus spoke to them again,saying, I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness,but have the light of life. John 8:12


  1. Amen! I'm so thankful His light can shine in the midst of darkness. Thanks for sharing! Have a great day my friend!

  2. Great post! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. Hi again Heather! Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for choosing to follow my blog. Welcome to Living Life's circle of friends!

  4. Amen! Jesus is the Light of the world. Thank God that He saved such wretched sinners like us. Without Him, we are lost forever. Thanks for your kind visit. Take care and have a blessed day.

    Warm regards,

  5. Don't you just love the power of God's Word. It is so thrilling! Great verse and great truth that you shared here. :)

  6. Hey Heather! Thanks for coming to see me today. I taught a class yesterday on Social Media. It was great. God is doing great things. I'm excited to see what's next. Thanks for asking! Take care!


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